Shahrabi trading Ltd with over thirty years of experience and persistent effort in providing the highest level of quality and the most reasonable expenses through supplying the household demands, in 2006 introduced MegaMax brand, which is registered in 23 countries.

Supporting the internal industries (domestic productions) on one hand and providing for the customers on the other hand have made us select domestic and foreign goods with much more attention.

MegaMax with a vast range of products is one of the widest brands in Iran.

MegaMax is proud to meet the demands of all Iranian families.

MegaMax after sale service (phoenix center), with more than 150 active agencies through the country represents the service and support in best quality and least time.

Comprehensive participation of customers and sellers of MegaMax products in troubleshooting and finding the defects and also power points of our products, makes us act with a firm decision in order to provide family comfort.

MegaMax has predicted all demands of Iranian families.